404 Error After Changing Permalink Settings to /%postname%/

I remembered about a new webhosting account I bought about a month ago. I got a free domain name with the pruchase, but I forgot about it soon after. So, I returned and started tweaking with the control panel and I set up a wordpress blog on it. Now, this should be a piece of cake since this is not the very first time I’ve done this.

Read more here:  404 Error After Changing Permalink Settings to /%postname%/

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Someone's Experiment

Been busy with some business lately and was not able to update this for quite some time.

In one of my sorties in the web, I ran across this post again and decided to share it here as some newbie out there who might happen to stumble here may get something out of it.

Here's the link: Update To Keyword-In-Domain-Name Experiment

Thanks for dropping by :)