My First SEO Experience

I say first SEO experience in the sense that this is my first serious attempt at following some SEO principles for the purpose of getting into the first page of google for a particular search keyphrase.

Going straight to the point, at the expense of making this post another very short one, I would just like to say that the most important SEO element for serp movement is backlinking. In this first seo experience of mine, the only type of backlinking work I did is by registering in high PR forums and leaving my links behind in the bio or signature section. If ever I did some commenting work in some blogs, it's negligible, maybe less than 1 percent.

I have no idea why this works but I just followed some advice and I saw it work. The tips provided here do not dilly-dally on explanations. I just provide the techniques that work. I don't care why and how. And please remember, I'm no SEO expert. I just learn what I could, and implement it on my projects. If a particular action spell success, I publish it here. That's all for now folks.


Blog Tips & News

Been into blogging for sometime now, yet I still am way below there in terms of mastery of the art. I do blogging part time. That is, I got a day job and so I can only blog after office hours.

I like to collect tips and tutorials on blogging. Thus, I plan to publish whatever I've learned about blogging here on this blog. I hope to help other fellow newbie blogger who like me are searching for tips and tricks to become a better blogger.